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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Path vs Goal

Once upon a time, someone bumped into a man heading northbound in a horse carriage hastily. Wondering why, he asked him why he was making such a haste. The man in the carriage said he was going to a country locating somewhere in the south.

The first man then asked, “Why do you go to the north even though the country is at South?”

The man in the carriage said, “My horse is a good runner so there shouldn’t be no problem”

Embarrassed to what he has heard, the first man said “Even if your horse is good, you cannot get the country if it leads you to South.”

Then the man said “No, my horse is good. My driver works well. So I will get the destination eventually.”

"Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, Few in pursuit of the goal. "
- Friedrich Nietzsche.

Photo from http://www.summitpost.org/images/original/83372.JPG


disabled account said...

hello....i am ginger. i like the comment you left on the buddist blog.
your page is nice as well.

jnana said...

Thanks for stopping by. Happy new year!